My Goals & Ambition!

everyone has a goal or an ambition in life. because goal and ambition is really important for us. thats make our life more neatly arranged to achieve our life goals. we must have targets in life and we must have ambition to reach it.

since I was little i already have a dream that i want to be Putri Indonesia. so, when other people ask me “what are you going/want to be?” i always said that i want to be Putri Indonesia. for reach that dream, since i was 6 years old my mom told me to join a lot of modelling contest, singing contest, speech contest, and etc. for train my skills & for preparing me to be Putri Indonesia. from that, i always be the winner of all the contest i joined. not only be the winner, i also receive a lot of money from that too. im very happy and im enjoyed all of my job at that time. my favorite part of all my job is when i was 10 is.. i called by them to be a model for one girls magazine. its such a great and memorable experience for me.

untill when i get older, i realize that i want to change my goals. i want to be a dentist like my mom. so, now im try hard to chase and make that goals real. my ambition for that is, first i pray hard to Allah for my goals. second is i learn and study hard too for reach that goals. because i know, way to be a dentist is not easy. i have to be strong. my mental, my knowledge, and my self have to be strong.

i wish me and you can reach our goals, with our ambition. because effort will not betray the results. 


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